"Sekai no Hate no Sougen de" ("The Grassy Plain at the Edge of the World") by Keiko Ishihara

Update: The file have be updated to correct a couple translation errors.  Those of you with digital collections may want to re-download the file.

First of all, as you can see in the bottom left corner of the title page, "Ojousama no Untenshu" volume 2 will be available for purchase on March 5th.  Here's a link to pre-order it from Amazon JP.  I'll post links to other online stores once the book is actually released.

On to the one-shot!  This one-shot is rather subtle.  It took 3 readings for me to get the entirety of the message.  For those of you who find an anti-feminist message, I ask you to re-read the one-shot and chew on the end again.  This is more about influence being a barrier rather than gender.  That's not to say gender doesn't play a role, because it does play a big role.  Also, after you read through the first time, go back and read the first 3 pages again, for a big "aha" if you didn't get what was going on during your first reading.

This is a new one to add to my list favorite one-shots.  I love the story and the characters and the artwork is gorgeous.  I'll search Comic Holmes to see if there are more untranslated one-shots from Ishihara-sensei, though I only have magazines dating back to September 2007.  If she has many one-shots, hopefully, like our other favorite mangaka, she'll release a compilation of one-shots.  I'll keep an eye our for her work in the future.

Oh! A note for parents:  This one-shot has some partial female nudity.  This one-shot is recommended for people 13 and older.

On to the links!

2/24/2012 Update:  I had a brainfart on the English title (transposed two words) T_T.  I updated the title page.  I also corrected a major translation error on page 30.  Those of you with digital collections may want to redownload the file.  Sorry about that and thank goodness for the Internets!
Links to "Sekai no Hate no Sougen de":  (Zip) (PDF)

Next up! 
This weekend I'll be working on AnS Chp 31 and the omake that came out this month.  Hopefully, I can release those by next Wednesday.  Within that time period, we may also release the latest one-shot from Nari Kusakawa.