Dual Release: Akagami no Shirayukihime Chp 31 and the February 2012 Omake

First, a shameless plug for Akidzuki Sorata!  There will be a dual release of "Akagami no Shirayukihime" volume 7 and the "Vahlia Bridegroom" one-shot compilation on March 5th.  Copies have been pre-ordered for those who have already sent requests to piggyback on my late February order.  Also, the extra copies I ordered have been reserved.  However, it's not too late!  If you want your own copies of AnS Volume 7, "Vahlia's Bridegroom", and "Ao Rhapsodia" (the Akane Ogure one-shot compilation), I can piggy back your order onto my first order for the month of March (you will receive the books mid to late March instead of early march).  Also, if any of you want the OHSHC Perfect Guide, I can orders those too for you.  The books are $8.50 each and OHSHC Perfect Guide is $21.  Those prices include shipping from Japan.  There is separate shipping from my house to your on top of that.  Please see the Piggy Back ordering information page for more information about domestic shipping.

And now onto the chapters!

Obi looks very nice on this title page.  I would like to see a clean version of this drawing. Moving on, this is the "onsen" chapter.  It always amazes how manga and anime, regardless of the over arching nature of the work, manages to either throw in an onsen, umi (beach), or swimming pool chapter/episode.  Honestly, I never expected to see such a chapter in AnS. Back to Obi...this chapter continues Obi's character development.  He is quite the "merry trickster" and his pot stirring rivals my own husband's (shh!  Don't tell him I said that.  Hee!).  Fortunately, it's all in good fun and extremely funny to read.

A new character enters the scene and she has something to do with Obi's past. Who could she be and is the "sauciness" just an act?  There all some evil Kiki x Mitsuhide teasing...too cruel...way too cruel...

There's also a lot of talk about "change" in this chapter.  I found it rather strange since Zen and Shirayuki have already kissed at least a couple of times.  I would think that they would be beyond the point of timidly linking fingers.  I'm a bit confused because in my mind as soon as two friends kiss and confessed to one another, the relationship has moved beyond "friendship".  Seriously, they should go find a back shed, a barn, or some darkened dungeon to go secretly make-out in.  Linking fingers for 10 seconds is lame and a cop-out!  Obi and the rest seriously need to catch those two red-handed so we can cut the shy bull crap...meh...

Onto the links!  Futile as it may be, I beg you not to upload these to any of the online manga readers and aggregators.  The files are here!  There's no need to allow some sketchy company to make money off of work they didn't do.

Update 2/26/2012:  Fixed some minor typos
Link to Akagami no Shirayukihime Chp 31: (PDF)
Link to the Akagami no Shirayukihime February 2012 Omake: (PDF)

Next up!  Magnolia Chp 19 is currently being worked on along with the latest one-shot from Nari Kusakawa.  Lala 4 should arrive tomorrow with lastest one-shot from Kaoru Ichinose.  Any of those three could be our next release!