- "Folklore no Tonakai" -- "Folklore Reindeer" by Mizuno Tohko ("Kimi ni XOXO") -- A young lady has to choose a husband by Christmas, but due to a momentary lapse in sanity the men around her have frightening animal heads!?
- "Marii to Santa" -- "Marie and Santa" by Nigushi Keiko -- Santa crashes into a tree and spends an evening with a practical but sweet little girl. It's short and super cute!
- "World End Garden" -- "The Garden at the End of the World" by Shiina Dai -- Girl gets lost in the snow and is captured by a yeti-like creature who plans to eat her. But that's only the beginning ;p. It goes from "WTH" to "Dawwww" in 40-pages.
- "Kare to Kanojo no Futoumin" -- "His and Her Sleepless Winter" (un-hibernation) by Nari Kusakawa -- Unrequited love and serious winter loveliness! I'm so excited!
Look forward to them!