One-Shot: "The Most Beautiful Name in the World" by Yuu Toyota

At last, a release!!!  I can't believe that it's nearly been 2 weeks since we've released something.  It's not for lack of doing anything.  We've been quite busy.  I myself had to prep a couple of projects for lettering before I get to this one-shot and last week I was nearly useless because RL made me depressed and sleepy.

Anyhow, here's another one-shot from one of our favorite mangaka Yuu Toyota.  This one is a quite bittersweet unlike the other one-shots. Still it's a lovely story and fits very well with her other one-shots.
And now onto the link!

Link to "The Most Beautiful Name in the World":  (PDF)

Next Up!  Continuing on with the historical romance, next up will be "Ojousama no Untenshu" Chp 2. Several projects are close to being completed so hopefully we'll be able to do a bunch of releases in the next 2 or 3 weeks.