Omari's Sister is Recruiting!

We are making a big push toward our 3rd anniversary in June!  We intend to have a profusion of releases -- primarily the remaining one-shots from Kuro Lala and Shiro Lala.  Due to this, we are in need of some additional help with our regular release and our anniversary releases.  Here's a list of what we need!

  • Proofreaders and QCers -- Proofreading the English for typos, syntax error, and grammar errors and making sure the letterer didn't leave out any text.  You must be fluent in English.  I would prefer volunteers with expertise in grammar, but if you are eager and are willing to put in an hour or two once or twice a week, that works for me.  These are ongoing volunteer positions.  We have enough volunteers for now.  Thanks to those who e-mailed me.
  • Translation QC -- Mid level Japanese knowledge is fine, though advanced level is preferred.  I need folks to check the translations to make sure they are accurate.  This is a temporary need for our anniversary releases, though you are welcomed to stay on after.
  • Redraw Artist/Image Editors -- I need a couple of experienced redraw artists to work on Kuro Lala and Shiro Lala projects.  You are welcome to stay on with the group after our anniversary.
  • Typesetters/Letters -- I need a fearless typesetter or two who loves fonts and sound effects.  This is also a temporary need for our anniversary, though you are welcome to stay on after.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer positions, please contact me, Kuroneko003, via the contact link at the top of the right hand column of this blog.

Haha!  I can't believe we don't need translators.  I'm so grateful to our wonderful translators for the help they provide.  Though, if you are burning to translate for Omari's Sister, we will definitely find something for you to do :).