"Akagami no Shirayukihime" Chapter 32

I'm delirious, so if what I write makes no sense, come back in a couple of days and I will have fixed it.

This is such a cute title page.  Obi in a tie looks strangely modern.  Before I forget, you may want to buy a copy of Lala 5 for some sweet AnS freebies (Pen pouch and Clear Bookmarks).

 I've got my copy on order from Sanseido Bookstore :).

This chapter is very cute.  We learn a little about Obi, though I was hoping for more, but I'll take what I can get.  Just as a translator's note, I took a little editorial liberty on page 26 because the Japanese have a way of talking in double negatives that drives me up the freaking wall.  Forgive me translation purists, but I was gonna stab my eyes out if I let it stay that way.

Onto the link!

Link to AnS Chp 32: (PDF)

Next up is Magnolia Chp 20.