September 2011 Manga Purchases

Here's the list of the manga purchases I made this month.

English Language Books:
  • Skip Beat, Volume 25 -- This volume covers the bulk of the Valentine's Day arc.  Both Sho and Ren sorta do battle in the wake of Kyoko giving Reino Valentine's Day hate chocolates.  I noticed a little bit of sloppiness in the image editing and the English adaptation (the script needed more massaging), but overall it was clearer than what's available in scanlation.  I really liked this volume a lot!  5/5
  • Kamisama Kiss, Volume 5 -- I've only read the first half.  So far it's very cute.  
  • Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura Volume 3
  • Sailor Moon, Volume 1:  I couldn't get past chapter 1.  Honestly, this manga is pretty bad and I bought it because of nostalgia for childhood.  I have rose colored memories of watching the anime series when I was a teenager.  Anyhow, this is great for readers who are 8 - 12 years old.  It's very juvenile.   I'm happy the series is being reissued, the same time, I'd say that this manga is dated.  1/5
  • Animal Land Volume 1
  • Library Wars Volume 6 -- I can't get enough of Dojo!  4/5
  • Dengeki Daisy Volume 6
  • Butterflies and Flowers Volume 8 -- I still haven't brought myself to read volume 7 yet.  I thing I'm burnt out on the series.  I will be selling off the books soon, so if you want a full set of this series, watch out for when I put them up for sale.
  • Oresama Teacher Volume 4 -- This series is growing on me.  I'm now totally okay with the very slow pace of the romance in this series.
  • Black Bird Volume 10 -- ureshii *0*  5/5
Viz iPad App Purchases:
  • Natsume's Book of Friend Volume 8
  • Five Leaves Volume 2
Japanese Language Books:
  • Kemono Kingdom: Zoo Volume 1
  • Yuurei Apaato Kanrinin Volume 2

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