Introducing Bakeneko's Lair -- The Darker Side of Omari's Sister

After much wheel spinning and gut churning, I decided we needed a spin-off blog and group for the series and one-shots from Comic Gene and some of the other series and one-shots we couldn't give consideration to because they went outside the PG-ish constraints of Omari's Sister.  The blog is called "Bakeneko's Lair".  Karent79 came up with this brilliant name :).  A "Bakeneko" is a mythological monster cat and I thought, what better than that to represent "the dark side of Omari's Sister".

By the end of the year I'm targeting a workload split of 2/3 Omari's Sister and 1/3 Bakeneko releases. Our first two series will be "Rex Fabula" and "Servamp".  We will run the Comic Gene trials of the other series through Bakeneko also.

Here's the link to Bakeneko's Lair (Link)
Also Bakeneko's Lair has it's own Twitter stream from which only links to releases and information about releases will be broadcast.  Please follow Bakeneko's Lair if you wish to receive this information (Link)

If you are an experienced translator or image editor and you would like volunteer exclusively for Bakeneko's Lair, contact me (Kuroneko003) using the Contact Link in the menu at the top of his blog.