Pika Ichi Chapter 8 Preview! And AnS Announcement...

Update:  The new translator for AnS is Nati-chan (I'm very grateful to her for taking over because chapter 25 was like Japanese chopped word-salad to me -- devoid of grammatical structure and too many obscure word usages for me to grasp...ugh...page after page of WTF???).  AnS will now be a joint project between NeteruMouse and The Zero Alliance.  We will make Zip and PDF versions of AnS available here on Omari's Sister for those of you who can't open RAR files, those of you who are afraid of MediaFire, and for those of you who prefer to read releases on mobiles and tablets.  We will all try our best to get the remaining chapters out to you in a timely manner, so please be patient and refrain from pestering the folks from NM and TZA about release dates.
Yes! "Pika Ichi" is returning but as a low priority project.  This means that releases will not be on a regular schedule.  I'm sorry about the delay we took, but I wanted to get a few more chapters in to see where the story was going into order to decide whether to continue the series or drop it.  During that time, I came to understand and appreciate the ridiculousness of "Pika Ichi", so I can now say I like the series and I'm eager to continue it (for the meantime, barring no stupid plot twists.)

Here's a preview of chapter 8 to get you ready for the series' resumption!

"Pika Ichi" chapter 8 should be ready for release in less than a week.

On to the AnS news!  "Akagami no Shirayukihime" is being transferred to The Zero Alliance.  I will continue on as the image editor for the series and we will PDF releases available here, but TZA will be managing AnS schedule and releases.  I'll post more information on the transfer once things become clearer.  Hooray for AnS's new home!