"Magnolia" Chapter 11

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This chapter continues the Ayato and Sui story line.  It's a little creepy, but if you can keep your mind rather innocent it's rather sweet.  Hopefully, this is the real set-up for Sui vs. Hugo.  A little warning:  at the beginning there's a rather crude joke.  I had to do a double take.  I imagine, though, that the joke will fly right over some of your heads.  Anyhow, I tried my best with the translation to get the crude joke across.  And now for the links:

"Magnolia" chapter 11:  (Zip) (PDF -- Mobile and Tablets)

Spoiler Alert!  Spoilers Ahead:
The chapter seems to me to be a contrast against chapter 4 in which Ayato and Hugo dance at the ball.  It seems that Sui and Hugo have two different ways of approaching Ayato's self-confidence issue.  In this chapter we see Sui giving Ayato instructions and telling Ayato to believe in him/herself then lets Ayato try.  When learning to shoot a bow, Ayato at first falls a few times before he/she is able to do it.  In contrast, Hugo tells Ayato something similar about listening the music and then trusting his/her body to know what moves to make.  However, while dancing, Ayato realizes that Hugo is firmly in control of the dance and he will not allow Ayato to fail.  Some would see this as a act of kindness, and given the circumstances, it was the best move for Hugo to make so the two of them remained blended into the crowd -- although, that's not what happened in the end :/.  But...there is the matter of coddling Ayato and controlling Ayato rather that letting Ayato find his/her own way.

What's going on with Ayato being so self-conscious while Hugo's watching?  I suppose, in general, Ayato feels that Hugo has trifled with him/her way too much.  I wonder whether Ayato considers his/her failure as a greater sign of weakness in Hugo's eyes or is Ayato actually trying to act impressive now that Hugo is watching...or...is it just girlish embarrassment in front of someone he/she likes?

And then there's Hugo...Is he just sizing up Sui?  Is he jealous that Sui is showing Ayato how to shoot and they are having fun?  In the next chapter are Hugo and Sui going to have a confrontation?  My gut feeling is that Hugo is the type to shoot a smug chuckle over at Ayato and do a little wave goodbye as he leaves the gym.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Next up!
Next up is the Ghost Apartment Manager chapter 5!