Taking Requests: June Manga Releases in Japan

First of all I'd like to thank all the people who purchased new and used manga through me last month.  Thanks to you I was able to fund the purchase of all of last month's magazine and books and purchase some goodies that will help our cleaners and redraw artists put out even higher quality releases quicker :).

I'm prepping my beginning of the month orders from Amazon Japan and Yes Asia this week.  If you want to save on the shipping, I taking requests to can piggyback on my order.  Information about pricing and shipping costs are here.  To put in a request, please send me some e-mail via the "contact" link at the top of this blog.  I'm also accepting requests to purchase used English and Japanese manga from Book Off.  The same pricing applies.  Used Japanese manga runs $2 - 4 per volume (including the $1 to Omari's Sister).

Here's a list of the June Japanese manga releases that folks who follow this blog may be interested in.  I encourage you to purchase at least one volume in a series to directly support your favorite manga artists regardless of whether you can read Japanese.

June 3:
  • Kimi ni XOXO -- $9
  • Junketsu + Kareshi Volume 2 -- $11
June 19:
  • Yukarism Volume 1 -- $9
  • The Scarecrow of Oz -- $9
  • Shinobi Life Volume 11 -- $9
  • Arashi to Doctor (Shiina Dai) -- $9
I'm also ordering
  • Shinobi Life Volumes 10
  • Pika Ichi Volume 2
  • Itan 5 (Lily Chp 2)
  • Asuka 8 (Magazine)
  • Princess 7 (Magazine)
  • Lala 8 (Magazine)
  • Betsuhana 8 (Magazine)
  • Aria 8 (Magazine)
  • Lala DX 7 (Magazine)
  • The Hana to Yume 7 (Magazine)