Magnolia Chapter 8

Whoo-hoo!  It's "Magnolia" Chapter 8!  But first I must make a sales pitch for the first volume of "Magnolia" which goes on sale in Japan on March 7th.

Links to purchase "Magnolia" Volume 1:

If you love the series "Magnolia", then plunk down a few bucks and show Naked Ape some love so they can continue this wonderful series for us :).  I've already ordered my copy of Magnolia and the other Aria series we translate and I will share what the books are like when they arrive next week (They should arrive at my door on the 8th or 9th).

Now back to the chapter.  This is another short chapter, but it's an important one.  Our poor little lamb Nagi, suffers some more and we get more of a sense of Hollier Clive.

Links to "Magnolia" Chapter 8:  (Zip) (PDF)

Warning:  Spoilers Ahead!
My thoughts on the Chapter:

Hollier Clive isn't exactly an original character, but she's funny nonetheless.  I wonder if this is the last we will see of her or will she be a pesky fangirl annoyance that pops up once in a while like Renge did in "Ouran".

Nagi:   My poor, poor, agonizing little lamb!  He's in such an unenviable position.  Should he choose to go back to Ayato side, he has to fight himself off as well as everyone else off of Ayato.  Plus, he has the question of whether any of what he feels for Ayato is real or just the effects of the Magnolia smell.  I can't imagine Nagi abandoning Ayato now that he understands the situation.  Above duty, isn't Ayato Nagi's best friend?  I wonder, though, is Nagi going to fully explain the situation to Ayato and whether he will tell Yugo about it to convince Yugo that he's under an intoxicating spell in order to drive Yugo away.

Yugo:  *GRINZ*  I adore Yugo even more.  He looks so smitten with Ayato in this chapter and the bear-huggles moment is so perfect! :3  Yes, yes, I definitely approve.  Bear-hugs are the best!  It seemed at the end of the chapter, judging from their expressions, that Yugo and Ayato had come to some realization.  I'm anxious for chapter 9 to learn what they have to say to each other.  I also want to see what happens when Nagi comes back and finds them together.

There's no follow-up to Lily's situation with Saiga in this chapter.  I wonder if that's going to be mostly covered in the next chapter of "Lily" due out at the end of June.

And now the anxiety builds again as we all wait a month for chapter 9...sigh...