Manga Purchase: December 7th - 31st

  • Dengeki Daisy Volume 3 -- Kurosaki Delight!  Love him!!!  5/5
  • Kamisama Kiss Volume 1 -- The first chapter is pretty weak, but it gets better. 3/5
  • Arisa Volume 1 -- This starts off pretty innocently as a story of twin sisters separated by divorce.  Then one day the rebellious sister goes to visit the good sister and spends a day at school in her shoes.  Things go off the tracks from there beginning with the good sister's attempted suicide.  This got surprising intriguing towards the end of the first volume.  4/5.  Note of caution:  The English licensing isn't stable and as if now only volume 2 out of a 6 total available volumes out now are scheduled to release in 2011. 
  • Eensy Weensy Monster Volume 1 -- See my earlier review of this charming series. 5/5
  • Gakuen Alice Volume 14
  • VB Rose Volume 11 -- Flashbacks to when Yukari and Mitsuya first met that tease the edges of BL.  Part of me wishes it was something a little complicated like that...but...that's not the story.  Still, it feels a little like a cop out.  It looks like the translator and English adaptation writer were trying to use "hipper" language.  I think it was overall successful, though, a few phrases read a little weird.  4/5
  • Skyblue Shore Volume 1 -- See my earlier review of this boring first volume. FAIL. (No link to purchase.  Save your money for something better.) I hope this series doesn't influence whether the author's other series "Orange Chocolate" gets licensed.
  • Ghost Hunt Volume 11
If you are interested in owning any of these series, please consider purchasing from Omari's Sister's Amazon store.  Thanks to the people who last month made purchases from the Ouran section I created.  I hope you are enjoying your merch :).