"Kimi ni XOXO" Chapter 4

"Kimi ni XOXO" is back for the final two chapters.  I'm sorry it's been a while since a release, but this chapter was really hard to clean (poor quality raw) and had a lot of redrawing to do.  Because of the difficulty I want to acknowledge the contributions of Chiresakura who helped clean and Ichigo Stars who did all of the difficult redraws.  Without them, this chapter wouldn't have come out nearly as well as it did.

Links to "Kimi ni XOXO" chapter 4:  (Zip) (PDF)

I wanted to release chapter 5 right after chapter 4, but again because of cleaning and redrawing challenges, it didn't get done before Aria 2 came out.  The chapter is cleaned, though, but untranslated.  I've decided to move on to the Aria 2 series and then circle back to finish chapter 5.  This way I won't be rushed to translate, Ichi won't be rushed to complete the redraws, and the readers (myself included) get a dose of "J+K" and "Magnolia" immediately.

Next up are J+K chapter 6, "Magnolia" chapter 6, and the first chapter of "Lily".  After those, we'll swing back and complete "Kimi ni XOXO" chapter 5.