Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen Chp 19 (Final)

Here's the final chapter of "Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen."  Thanks for sticking with me on this one.  I started translating this series at chapter 4.  Back then I was just doing summaries.  I'm sad to see this series end, but at the same time, this is great ending.  I'm looking forward to Ogura-sensei's next series!  There's contact address on the volume 3 thank you page if you want to write a letter.  If you do send thanks to Ogura-sensei, make sure you buy at least volume of the manga in Japanese.  It would be rude to thank someone for something you didn't pay for.  Purchase information is here.   I will be getting volume 4 and if there's any extra material I will translate it.

(Update 10/14/10 -- a small change was made to the translation on page 40)
Links to "Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen" Chapter 19 + volume 3 Omake (Zip - High Quality) (PDF -- convenient)

Next up is Pika Ichi chapter 3!