New Manga Purchases: September 2010

If you are interested in purchasing any of these books, please consider purchasing them through the Omari's Sister Amazon Store.  The first 5 volumes of "Shinobi Life," "Alice in the Country of Hearts" Volume 4, and "Stepping on Roses" Volume 2 are all currently discounted!

Also, buy my used manga and help me clear my shelves for more new manga! (Link)
  • Vampire Knight Volumes  1 - 8 (Volumes 5 - 7 Purchased!)
  • The Wallflower Volumes, 1- 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, and 16 (Volumes 13 and 14 Purchased!)
  • Rasetsu Volume 1
All are books lightly used and decently priced. I'll discount your shipping if you buy multiple volumes.