Kimi ni XOXO Chp 3

Once again, I have good news and bad news.  The good news is here is "Kimi ni XOXO" chapter 3:

Link to Kimi ni XOXO chapter 

The bad news is the series is going on hiatus and chapter 4 will not come out until Lala 12 which releases October 23rd.  I'm sure by then, none of you will care how this short series ends.  This is not exactly the best strategy to keep a captive audience.  Hopefully, there will be a nice one-shot or special chapter to keep things going until October.

Next up is a new series trial.  The new series is called "Pika Ichi" and it debuted this month in the brand new manga magazine Aria.  My hope is that this series will sate those folks who are suffering from "Arakure" withdrawal.